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Our LocationWest Bengal (INDIA)

  1. The students are expected to manifest behaviour befitting students of Holy Cross School who are serious and decent students of all times.
  2. Conduct that is injurious to the moral tone of the school or the rights of others and not in accord with strict discipline, is liable to bring suspension or dismissal.
  3. The first bell before class is a signal for all to go to the assembly. It is compulsory for each student to attend assembly. After the assembly they should go their class rooms in discipline, get their books ready quickly in silence and prepare for the beginning of class. Changes of classroom between periods should be done in silence and order. When teachers enter the classroom, the students are to greet them in the customary way and give them proper attention.
  4. School uniform according to the season is compulsory.
  5. No students may, leave the School premises during school hours or in recess without their expressed permission of the Principal.
  6. No collection for any functions shall be made without the prior permission of the Principal.
  7. Care must be taken for all School property and no boy / girl should scratch, spill the desk or damage any School furniture, write or draw anything on the wall or anyway damage things belonging to others. Damage done by accident, should be reported at once to the Vice Principal / Principal. Each class should be responsible for looking after all class property.
  8. Do not bring valuable articles to the school. The School is not responsible for the loss of anything from the student, but any loss should be reported to the Principal immediately.
  9. Any student desiring to be exempted from P.T or Games must produce doctor’s certificate to the effect that she or he physically unfit to take part.
  10. Students may not offer presents to staff except in those circumstances sanctioned by the Principal.
  11. Students will not carry cell – phones to School. Action will be taken against defaulters.
  • The School fees cover twelve calendar months.
  • No reduction is made for holidays or broken periods. Pupils are liable to be charged full fees as long as their names are officially on the roll.
  • Parents are expected to keep the receipts issued to them safe, as proof of payment if needed.
  • The fees card should be brought at the time of payment.
  • All the fees must be paid by the 20th of the month.
  • The late fees will be collected only from 21st to 30th of every month with a fine of Rs. 20/- will be added.
  • All the dues should be cleared before each exam.
  • Books lost must be replaced by the borrower.
  • No book may be retained during the summer, autumn and winter vacations. All the books must be returned to the library two weeks before commencement of the terminal examinations.
  • All students of Standard VI onward may borrow books from the library.
  • Strict silence shall be observed in the library and their reading room.
  • Students who keep books longer than the time permitted will be fined one rupee per day.
  • The attention of the teachers/librarian should be drawn to damage of books about to be borrowed.
  • Each pupil is entitled to lend out one book at a time md-keep the same for 10 days. Dictionaries, guides and other costly reference books shall not be lent out.
  • Issue of books may at any time be suspended by order of the Principal.
  • An information has to be given a month before withdrawing a student from the school.
  • The transfer certificate will be issued only when all the dues of the school have been paid in full and on a written application from the parent/guardian mentioning students correct name, Father's name class and roll no. of the child. The admission number, year of admission, class in which child was admitted should be mentioned in the application.
  • The school authorities have the right to suspend or withdrawal of any student without having stated the reason, provided it is satisfied that such a step is necessary in the interest of the school.
  • Once T.C. is issued from the school, the Re-admission is not allowed.
  • 90% attendance is required for the promotion to the next class.
  • Two Terminal Examinations and 2 periodical tests will be conducted in a year; 2 periodical tests prior to the first terminal exam and 2 periodical tests prior to the Annual Exam.
  • Students absent from any of the Examinations for any reason will not be re-examined.
  • If a child is caught using unfair means in any examination, he/she will not be allowed to appear for the remaining subjects, under any circumstances and he/she will not be promoted to the next class.
  • The progress of the students will be on the basis of 4 periodical Tests and two term exams.
  • No leave of absence is granted to any student except on a previous written application from parents / guardians.
  • Any student who absents himself / herself from the school without prior written permission except in serious unforeseen cases of sickness or emergency shall be fined.
  • A student's name will be struck off from the roll if he/she remains absent for 7 days without permission for leave of absence. Absence before/ after a vacation renders the students liable for dismissal. It will be re-enrolled on application by the parents/guardians as a new admission after fulfilling all the formalities. Such a privilege cannot be claimed as matter of right.
  • All Pupils are expected to attend on the closing day and re-opening day before and after each vacation. Those who are absent will be fined rs. 100/- each day.